Pledge for Cleaner and Safer Environment

Organic Waste Management

Organic waste is materials that originate from living sources like animals, plants, and micro-organisms. The particles are biodegradable and break down to form into simpler organic modules. Varni Enviro Care is a leading GPCB authorized scrap buyer in Gujarat to maximize recycling and recover waste components. Our biological treatment for managing organic waste is among the most convenient and effective alternatives for treating organic waste. Today, the various business has several options for sending organic waste to specialize in facilities where it can recycle with ease. If you’re looking for to best waste management company in Gujarat, Varni Enviro Care is an effective waste management option for you.

Benefits you get from our Organic Waste Management Solution

The first step is to collect the waste materials where the size of the kitchen’s material is from small to large.It is one of the essential steps where organic waste is recycled using the inert separation technique. In this phase, it’s necessary to deal with organic waste from industries. It removes substance like glass, plastic, and bricks and separate the materials.Before organic waste is added to a recycling system, it should be prepared first. For composting; shredding and stacking organic waste is a must.Screening and Grading, In this phase, the compost is screened into different sizes and used for other purposes. Depending on the application of end products, screening and grading are an essential part of the organic waste management process.
  • Varni Enviro Care Pvt Ltd
  • Organic Waste Management Service

Varni Enviro Care has a mission to ensure a better quality of life by providing complete sustainable environmental solutions.

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